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We all have a story to tell,
so let’s tell yours!

Who is J. Noël?

Hello… you can call me Jenny. My middle name is Noël because I was born on Christmas. Yes, Christmas morning and yes, your reaction to this news is probably correct… LOL!

I'm originally from the east coast, but always daydreamed about California. Being someone who loves the beach, palm trees, and Saved by the Bell, California sounded perfect. Then in September 2004, I decided to make my dream a reality. I packed up my '95 Chevy Cavalier and moved to Southern California where I've called home ever since.

As a kid, I loved being creative and helping others. Once I discovered Graphic Design, a visual platform to communicate, using color, type, and imagery to tell a story, I fell in love. Helping to raise brand awareness for companies small to large is a pretty cool job! My desire to help people and my love for yoga paved the way to also becoming a certified yoga instructor. I teach yoga classes to students of all levels promoting connection, movement, and self-love.

I’ve learned that a healthy work/life balance is truly important to be happy and successful. Some of the ways I enjoy spending my time and recharging are going for walks with my rescue pup, Ginger, connecting with my family and friends, adventures near and far, listening to music, painting, reading a good book, and, of course, the beach.

About J Noel
white dots.png

Determine to live life

with flair and laughter.

Maya Angelou

My career has been a balance of agency and in-house design environments. I'm grateful for each opportunity because it has allowed me to work with many talented individuals and companies who continue to inspire and challenge my creativity.

Designs By J Noel - Lets Create Magic Together!

Let's create

magic together!

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